Sunday, November 25, 2012


I hope that from this blog, you got to learn a new points of view on any, if not all my topics. They are all important lessons to learn, for if you do, then I believe that you can become happier from them. I believe that all of these give you a peak into the ideals of Japan. Although, most of them aren't just Japan's ideals, but many countries around the world. Our world is made up of man countries who push forward through whatever they are put through and dream of equality. 
From One Piece, you can definitely see a reflection of our world reflecting from it. It might not be a perfect reflection, but it definitely is our reflection in a nutshell. I hope that we will be able to follow in the footsteps of the Straw Hat pirates and bring about the same things that they eventually will bring to their world. That would be to one day bring peace and freedom to the world. I hope we'll be able to do the same in time.

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